I Need Love

“When I’m alone in my room sometimes I stare at the wall and in the back of my mind I hear my conscious call telling me….”Water Your Damn Plants! I guess this is my “Love Story” since Valentine’s Day is coming soon. “I Need Love” playing in the background is the most annoying thing in the world right now, so I’m going to turn it off.

Now fresh off a very slow, methodical viewing, & analysis of Love Actually. I began to think about something said at the very beginning. "If you look for it, I've got a sneaky feeling you'll find that love actually is all around." So I looked around and I’m seeing plants, and more plants. I was reminded of my love for plants, which goes deep. “How Deep Is Your Love” for plants? I’m about to tell you how deep mine is.

I believe on the Just Grow It Podcast(which you need to listen to), I was asked what’s my favorite thing to grow, and I couldn’t pick just one thing. I love how flowers look after it rains. I love how herbs smell when you rub the leaves. I love how fruits and vegetables provide us with food. “I’m In Love With A Strip….umm a Zinnia”..Shout out to T-Pain though. I really love plants! I love the colors, the smells, the petals, the leaves. I might as well face it “I’m Addicted To Love.”

Every morning I wake up and I fall in love with what I do for a living. I grow plants, and I teach others how to grow plants. I absolutely love it, was this what I intended to do for the rest of my life? Not at all, but “Love Makes Things Happen.” And like the song says, “You never know, You never know, You never never never never...well y'all know the rest, and if you don’t look it up. Now the love that I have for my profession, is fueled by my love of plants. Want to bribe me? Promise me a trip to the nursery!

I could look at plants all day, everyday and never get tired of it. I love plants that much. And when you love something you have to nurture it, and care for it, and be honest with your intentions for it. Don’t take a plant home, if you know you’re not going to remember to water it. You’re doing a disservice to the plant, and to yourself. You have to be consistent and cater to the needs of the plant, so that it is able to live its best life. If you treat it right, your plant will stick around for a long time providing endless days and nights of happiness.

Now I’m not perfect. I've made my share of mistakes, and I’ve killed a few plants. What fuels me is that any particular plant is trusting me to meet all of its needs, and wants. It’s relying on me to give it the necessary care for it to thrive. And if you truly love something you want it to be happy don’t you? Of course you do! So go out on a limb, do what you have to do! Make sure you’re providing your plants with every ounce of love that you have in you. And who knows you might be surprised if they love you back.

So there’s my love story! I love my plants, and I don’t want to disappoint them. Therefore I do whatever it is I have to do in order to make them happy, and make sure that they thrive. So the next time you say that “I can’t grow anything” remember “All You Need Is Love!” This Story Was…..D.O.P.E.

P.S. I’m sure if you followed the same tips above on another human, it might work as well. You’ll never know if you don’t try...Happy Valentine’s Day!

(This story was written for all of about 30 seconds before I got tired of hearing “I Need Love” from the album Bigger And Deffer by LL Cool J)


Crumblin Herb


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