Baby I’m Yours

I’m not going to take long today, I just want to say a few words about flower pots, seeds, and roots really quickly.Oftentimes I’m asked what’s the best type of pot/vessel to use for plants. Plastic? Clay? Water?(for my hydroponic fans). And depending on what you’re growing, all of these can be a good option. You want the best environment for root growth and development. Now roots are defined as the part of the plant which attaches it to the ground or to a support, typically underground, conveying water and nourishment to the rest of the plant via numerous branches and fibers.

So in my expert opinion based upon 24 years of research I found that the very best pot/vessel/container that I’ve used for growing is located at 2400 6th Street NW, Washington DC 20059. It was there that I discovered various tools that would assist me in the future. It was there that I realized the roots that had been planted would flourish and thrive. So for anyone who hasn’t googled that address yet, it's Howard University.

I say this with my chest poked out and every single ounce of pride in me. I am an alumnus of Howard University, and I recently celebrated my 20 year reunion last weekend during homecoming. This wasn’t a typical homecoming for me. Sure there was a football game(and we actually won). Sure there were parties(we’ve never lost a party). There was everything you expected from pomp and circumstance, to bands, to a tailgate…everything. So as I walked the campus, visiting places I haven’t been in 20 years I felt an overwhelming sense of joy and pride.

See Howard University was my “flower pot”. My professors were my soil. My education was my sun. And my friends became my water and fertilizer. The seed that was a young 18 year old grew into a 22 year old plant. This plant was equipped to face anything the world threw at it because it/he/me had a strong foundation, and that foundation was placed in a strong “flower pot”.

Now I know I know this is an old flower pot, I mean it was created in 1867, if we do the math that’s about 156 years. That’s a lot of wear and tear, and it has nurtured a lot of seeds. The best part of growing seeds(in my opinion) is that the plants are ready, willing, and able to give back to help create the next generation of plants.

What’s known doesn’t need to be said. That’s why you’ll never hear me say I went to the “Real HU”. No shade to Hampton Institute(*snicker*). But for the last 24 years, and hopefully 24 more I will continue to represent my university to the best of my ability. I am forever thankful and grateful! To all of my fellow Howard alumni reading this…Thank You for nurturing this seed. I will forever love each and every one of you. To Howard University, thank you for protecting and providing everything this seed needed to dig his roots deeper, and to grow. You were the best decision I ever made in life. I will forever sing your praises, and be eternally grateful.

So I listened to something different today. Baby I’m Yours by Shai was shot on Howard’s Campus way back, so I had it on repeat in the background.

This Story was D.O.P.E.


Oh My God


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